The process was the thing...

September 2, 2022

From Hamlet (Seed&Spark)

Dear HAMLET supporters - 


We did it. We put on Hamlet in less than a week with an international cast and no director at LA MAMA. And had two sold-out performances.


There are nearly 2,000 photos documenting the whole process. I've just started sifting through them all.


The thing that really blows my mind about this whole production is how much the team stepped up in the absence of a director. Everyone made it their own and fully embodied the roles they were asked to take on (actors and production team alike). It is the most wonderful gift to have pulled people into my passion project and then to have watched them self-actualize within that space. I feel that I was shown the most powerful displays of respect and trust.


Not only did the team embrace this process, but they held each other. I've never been part of such a smooth process. I aspire to make every future rehearsal room feel the way ours did.


I am also in awe of our audiences. They were engaged, invested, present and listening. They showed up on two extremely hot Summer evenings for free Shakespeare by a little-known team of nerds. Despite everything going on in the world right now, the Downstairs at LA MAMA was full of connection, laughter, tears and love. Costanza and I commiserated that we both felt guilty to have been unplugged from the news for a week and a half - but that ultimately the experience we created may be what makes life worth living and the most important way to survive so many converging crises. Maybe?


Thank you so much for making this possible. My dear friend and major supporter, Ashley Garrett, took some stunning photos during day 5 of our rehearsal week. Please take a look here.


You can also look at the official program from the show, complete with actor bios and a letter from Shakespeare scholar, Ben Crystal, here.


We will be posting more photos on instagram, and I will update you periodically through these newsletters. We have some exciting things to share - Hamlet doesn't stop here. 


Here's to making art with friends.


With love and gratitude,



Hilary Dennis