Day 3
October 26, 2021
From the Macbeth at the Workroom Archives (Seed&Spark)
*We're in it*
We're finding our rhythm and have two acts blocked. Hidden challenges have started to bubble to the surface *in our Workroom cauldron* that we're actively addressing, and creating around and through. It is hard to work in an unfinished space, I must say!
We're also detangling confusing bits of the plot, and pairs of us are breaking off at moments to have conversations about character and relationship.
Joe, Vaughn and I spoke in Marie Roche's Community Shakespeare class on Zoom this evening after rehearsal. It was a joy to have 15 or so new faces smiling at us, curious about our process. They even asked us to perform a bit.
Some of the most amazing parts for me, three days in, have been the interstitial moments - meeting Jelena and Justin in the kitchen first thing in the morning, having a home-cooked dinner with the cast, watching Joe and Mom work through a textual beat together, addressing a dramaturgical question with Vaughn, hearing personal stories. Tonight, Justin turned to me at dinner and said, "this is the work." He was right.
Act 3 tomorrow.